Runeasi Expert Certification Course

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*To enroll in this course, please ensure you register for an account. This account is separate from your Runeasi app login.

Elevate your running expertise with our Runeasi Certification Course. This comprehensive program covers all the essential fundamentals, thoughtfully divided into various chapters, empowering you to effectively harness the full potential of Runeasi running data within your clinic. The course will be led by MSc Philip Cortvriendt, who plays a unique role in Runeasi physiotherapist education, guiding practitioners in applying biomechanical insights to craft precise strength and conditioning regimens. With over two decades of experience in elite competitive running and a background in sports physical therapy, his primary expertise lies in the field of applied strength and conditioning for runners, catering to everyone from recreational enthusiasts to Olympic-level athletes.

Get access to the course outline here.