Become the go-to running expert in your area.

Runeasi Academy offers cutting-edge education in running biomechanics and technology. Physical therapists, athletic trainers, chiropractors, coaches, and fitness professionals can enhance their expertise with our state-of-the-art knowledge and skillset tailored for working with runners.

Master Running Technology​

Our educational content will empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the full potential of running technology.

Bring over knowledge to your clients

Utilize the power of data to build trust and transparency with your clients. Our platform will guide you in effectively conveying valuable information.

Finetune Your Training Interventions​

Learn how to translate individualized results into tailored training recommendations for exercise therapy and running gait retraining to improve outcome and performance.

Runeasi Expert Certification course

Start your Running expert journey with our Runeasi Expert Certification Course. This comprehensive program covers all the essential fundamentals, thoughtfully divided into 7 lessons, enabling you to harness the power of Runeasi running data effectively within your clinic. Unleash the strength of data-driven insights and elevate your skills as a Runeasi running expert. Get access to the course outline here.

Runeasi Experts worldwide

Advanced running courses

Transfer dynamic stability training to running gait


Integrating 2D video analysis with objective running data


Brace for Impact - Enhancing shock absorption & propulsion


Recommended by our Runeasi Experts